Support & Solidarity
We would like to recognize the following acts and statements of solidarity in support of GAGE's work to unionize the graduate workers at Georgetown University.
Add your name here!
Councilman David Grosso (I-At-Large), Chairperson Committee on Education
We've also had resolutions passed in three major Senate groups on campus, and had an advisory board resign in protest of Georgetown's original stance.
- The Georgetown University Student Association Resolution
- Georgetown GradGov General Assembly Resolution
- Georgetown University Law Student Bar Association Resolution
- Statement of resignation from the Georgetown Advisory Committee on Business Practices (ACBP).
- Endorsement from McCourt School of Public Policy LGBTQ+ Policy Initiative
Finally, we recognize the solidarity of our fellow colleagues across the country in this movement, including:
Georgetown University Law Center Student Bar Association
GWC: Columbia Graduate Workers Coalition
SGEU: Syracuse Graduate Employees Union
HGSU: Harvard Graduate Students Union
GSU: University of Chicago Graduate Students Union
CGSU: Cornell Graduate Students Union
GEO: University of Michigan Graduate Employees' Organization
GTFF: University of Oregon : Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation
GEO: University of Massachusetts Amherst Graduate Employees' Organization
GEO-PSU: Graduate Employees' Organization of Portland State University
GAU: Graduate Assistants United - University of South Florida
GET-UP: Graduate Employees Together at the University of Pennsylvania
UAW Local 4121: The Union of Academic Student Employees at the University of Washington, who also generously sent the following open letter to President DeGioia.
And more coming soon!