Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees
We, the graduate workers of Georgetown University, Have Organized a union to ensure better living and working conditions for graduate workers across departments and disciplines.
Our Constitution and Bylaws
Here we detail the objectives of our union: organize graduate employees, collective bargaining, improve the standard of education, and cooperate with other segments of our society and other labor unions toward the achievement of the common good. We define the structure of our Executive Council, Organizers’ Council, and decision making process.
Our Executive Council
The Executive Council is the executive body for the Union. It consists of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Grievance Officer, and four (4) Lead Organizers who represent the graduate workers in a different area of the University.
our history
Today GAGE is a strong union that stands up for graduate student workers. This is the result of years of grad workers listening, finding solidarity with each other, and organizing across all departments and all corners of the Main and Medical Campuses. Every step has been driven by graduate employees, democratic, and open to any worker who wanted to contribute.
For decades, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has been working with graduate employees to achieve more equity in compensation and benefits. The shift away from full-time, tenure-track faculty is accelerating, and has led to the exploitation of graduate students being hired without job security, decent salary and benefits, or a strong voice in decision-making.