Constitution Of the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees - AFT
Article I — Name and Affiliation
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees, Local 06440, AFT, AFL-CIO (hereafter ‘GAGE’ or ‘the Union’).
Section 2: The Union shall be affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (hereafter ‘AFT’), and through them with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (hereafter ‘AFL-CIO’). Whenever possible, GAGE will send delegates to AFT’s convention.
Article II — Objectives of GAGE
Section 1: Organizing.
To promote the organization of graduate employees at Georgetown University.
Section 2: Collective Bargaining.
To advance the economic, social, and political well-being of the membership and to provide a voice in the determination of the terms and conditions of employment.
Section 3: Education.
To improve the standard of instruction; to encourage teacher and student experimentation in course content, curriculum, and methodology toward the achievement of quality education.
Section 4: Research.
To provide research services and activities designed to assist and support the objectives of the organization.
Section 5: Social Progress.
To cooperate with other segments of our society and with other labor unions and organizations toward the achievement of the common good both at Georgetown University and across the Washington, DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) Metropolitan Area.
Article III — Membership
Section 1: All graduate students at Georgetown University shall be eligible for membership in the Union. Every person eligible for membership, as provided herein, shall have the right of membership and an equal opportunity to hold office regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic or religious background, national origin, descent or nationality, native language, ancestry, marital or domestic partner status, familial status, parental status, pregnancy status, number of dependents, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, mental illness, citizenship status, veteran status, source of income, economic status, HIV antibody status, political belief, personal appearance, or membership in any social or political organization.
Section 2: A member in good standing is defined as a member who is current in payment of dues to the organization. A member who is more than 30 days delinquent in dues payment shall be considered to be a member in bad standing, and shall be promptly notified of such status. A member shall be removed from membership in this organization, with notice, following three months of dues nonpayment, unless a plan to pay back dues is made and approved by both the member and the Executive Council.
Section 3: Types of Membership
‘Full Members’ shall be those graduate students who are members of the Union and who hold appointments as Graduate Student Assistants, subject to the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University.
‘Associate Members’ shall be those graduate students who are members of the Union but who do not hold appointments as Graduate Student Assistants, subject to the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University.
Except where specified herein or mandated by law, the rights and privileges of membership shall accrue equally to both Full and Associate Members.
Section 4: All members in good standing of the Union shall have the right to attend any meeting at which the business of the Union is conducted, except where this right is prohibited by the law or modified herein. All votes taken by this Union shall adhere to the principle that each member in good standing shall receive one vote, except where such procedure is prohibited by law or modified herein.
Section 5: Members in good standing shall be eligible to participate in the following decisions involving the Union. The Executive Council shall seek as much member input as possible and may conduct these decisions via a General Membership Meeting or Referendum.
a. Strike authorization.
b. Endorsement of candidates for political office.
c. Election of the Officers to the Executive Council.
Section 6: When required, the following decisions involving the Union will be taken at General Membership Meetings:
a. Approval of any referenda to be submitted to the full membership except
those initiated by petition.
b. Approval of the annual budget.
c. Approval of any modifications to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
d. Approval of any modifications to the Bylaws.
Article IV — The Executive Council
Section 1: The Role and Composition of the Executive Council
a. The Executive Council shall be the executive body for the Union. It shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Grievance Officer, and four (4) Lead Organizers who shall each represent a different group or category of graduate workers at the University.
b. The Executive Council shall employ all professional, technical, clerical and support staff of the Union.
c. The Executive Council shall establish the salary, benefits and expense guidelines of any general officer who is employed by the Union.
d. The Executive Council shall be empowered to make contracts and incur liabilities including the purchase of services, equipment and real property, to borrow money, to secure such obligations by mortgage or other instrument, and to otherwise engage in financial transactions to the extent permitted by applicable law or statute.
e. The Executive Council shall have the power to sue, complain, and defend on behalf of the membership.
f. The Executive Council shall be responsible for adherence to and enforcement of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Union.
Section 2: The Election of the Executive Council
a. Members shall have the right to fair and democratic elections at all levels of the Union. This includes due notice of nominations and elections, equal opportunity for all candidates, and proper election procedures. Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the AFT Constitution and the standards established pursuant to the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA).
b. All members of the Executive Council shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Each member shall serve for one (1) year beginning on May 1 until April 31 of the subsequent year, except for members elected in 2020, who shall serve from the completion of the election in 2020 until April 30, 2021.
c. If the President becomes unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice President shall become President. For all other Executive Council vacancies, the President shall nominate a member to fulfill duties until such time as an election can be held. The Executive Council shall confirm the nomination by majority vote. If a Lead Organizer position becomes vacant, the President shall ensure that their nominee for the position is from the relevant group or category of graduate workers.
d. All members of the Executive Council shall be subject to the Recall Procedure outlined in Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution. The Structural Equity Committee shall oversee the Recall Procedure.
Section 3: The Duties of the Executive Council
a. The Executive Council shall meet on a regular basis to coordinate in implementing the policy directives of the membership, overseeing the operation of the Union’s committees, ensuring smooth transition into and out of leadership roles, and maintaining the day-to-day operation of the Union.
b. Each member of the Executive Council shall be responsible for a defined set of duties necessary to the operations of the Union.
i. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Union. They shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Council. They shall be one of the responsible financial officers of the Union with the authority to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursement of funds. They shall be responsible for signing all official documents of the Union with the authority to delegate this authority to a deputy with the approval of the Executive Council. They shall represent the Union as necessary to other organizations or assign a designee. The President shall serve as a delegate to the AFT National Convention.
ii. The Vice President shall work with the President to oversee the operations of the Union. They shall chair the Organizers’ Council and inform the Executive Council of the work of the Organizers’ Council. They shall supervise the non-financial responsibilities of the staff. If the President becomes unable to perform their duties for any reason, the Vice President shall assume their responsibilities. The Vice President shall serve as a delegate to the AFT National Convention.
iii. The Secretary shall be the principal information officer of the Union with the responsibility for maintaining all non-financial files and records, including the minutes of meetings of the membership, the Organizers’ Council, and the Executive Council. They shall provide support to the Elections Committee with all elections and referenda of the Union.
iv. The Treasurer shall be the principal financial officer of the Union. They shall receive, record, and deposit all dues monies and other income in the name of the Union. They shall be one of the responsible financial officers of the Union with the authority to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursements of funds. They shall arrange for an independent audit as required by law or the organizations with which the Union is affiliated. They shall transmit per-capita payments as required to AFT and to all other bodies with which the Union is affiliated. They shall chair the Finance Committee and inform the Executive Council of the work of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall provide a full and clear accounting of Union funds at all levels. Such accounting shall include, but not be limited to, periodic reports to the membership by appropriate fiscal officers and annual audits of all financial records by independent auditors not otherwise connected with the Union upon submission of a petition or when required by labor federations with which the Union may be affiliated. The Treasurer may delegate financial responsibilities not enumerated herein to the Finance Committee with the approval of the President.
v. The Grievance Officer shall oversee the grievance process on behalf of the Union. They shall chair the Grievance Committee and inform the Executive Council of the work of the Grievance Committee. They shall be responsible for originating, reviewing, and editing all correspondence with Georgetown University or its agents in connection with all grievances. They shall keep records of potential problems which may require changes to be made in the language of the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University in future contract negotiations. They shall accompany the President in meetings regarding the administration of the contract. They shall serve as the Union’s representative to all committees convened in accordance with the Grievance and Arbitration Procedures outlined in the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University or their designee.
vi. Each Lead Organizer shall be responsible for advising, supporting, and overseeing the Department Organizers who work with the graduate workers in their group or category, the boundaries of which shall be defined in the Union’s Bylaws. Each Lead Organizer shall report regularly on the status of their group or category to the Executive Council. They shall oversee the recruitment and training of new Department Organizers in their group or category. They shall meet at least once per semester one on one with all Department Organizers in their group or category to review organizing goals, needs, and issues. Together with the Vice President, they shall schedule and set the agenda for all meetings of the Organizers’ Council.
Article V — The Organizers’ Council
Section 1: The Role and Composition of the Organizers’ Council
The Organizers’ Council shall work with the Executive Council to implement Union policy as directed by the membership. The Organizers’ Council shall consist of the Vice President, Lead Organizers, Department Organizers, and designees of the President.
Section 2: Department Organizers
a. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to be a Department Organizer.
b. A Department Organizer’s main responsibility is to be available to members to discuss grievances, answer questions, provide information relevant to the Union, recruit new members, and inform the Organizers’ Council of questions and concerns from members.
c. Department Organizers shall complete a mandatory organizing training or orientation as outlined in the Union’s Bylaws. They shall be expected to attend General Membership Meetings and meetings of the Organizers’ Council.
Article VI — Committees
Section 1: Standing Committees
Chairs of all standing committees shall regularly report on the activities of their committee to the Executive Council and the membership.
Standing Committees may assign a member to report on their activities at the General Membership Meeting and may use this time to calendar voting items provided they give the Secretary adequate notice.
The following shall be the Standing Committees of the Union.
i. Bargaining/Research Committee
ii. Finance Committee
iii. Communications Committee
iv. Structural Equity Committee
v. Elections Committee
vi. Grievance Committee
Section 2: Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees may be created to advise the membership or the Executive Council.
Ad hoc committees shall be created by either (1) a majority vote of the membership at a General Membership Meeting, or (2) a majority vote of the Executive Council.
Ad hoc committees may present at the General Membership Meeting if they wish to and can calendar voting items. Ad hoc committees must provide the Secretary with adequate notice for all activities they wish to conduct at General Membership Meetings.
Article VII — Union Meetings and Decision Making
Section 1: Union Decision Making Principles.
Members shall have the right to full participation through discussion and vote, in the decision-making processes of the Union, and to information required for the full exercise of this right.
Section 2: General Membership Meetings.
General Membership Meetings are to take place at least once per semester during the academic year. The Executive Council may convene additional General Membership Meetings during the academic year.
Only members in good standing and guests of the Executive Council shall be able to attend General Membership Meetings.
Notice of General Membership Meetings shall be given via email and will be posted to the Union’s website.
The Executive Council shall be responsible for setting the agenda for all General Membership Meetings. The Secretary shall publish these agendas at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the relevant General Membership Meeting.
General Membership Meetings shall be facilitated by the Union’s elected leadership, and a record of all General Membership Meetings shall be kept by the Secretary and made available to the Union’s membership in a timely manner.
Section 3: Decision Making at General Membership Meetings.
Decisions at General Membership Meetings shall be made by majority vote unless otherwise specified.
Only members in good standing have voting authority at General Membership Meetings.
The Union’s membership must be notified of a voting item at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the General Membership Meetings during which those votes will take place. The Union’s membership must also be given the option to vote remotely in the event that they are unable to attend the meeting in person.
Section 4: Executive Council Meetings.
Executive Council Meetings shall be held at least once a month and will be convened by the President or their designee.
The Secretary or their designee shall keep a record of all Executive Council meetings. Agendas and minutes of Executive Council meetings shall be made available to the Union’s membership when requested.
If any member of the Executive Council is unable to attend a meeting in person, accommodations shall be made to allow them to participate remotely on all necessary items.
Executive Council meetings may be exclusive to Executive Council members at the President or their designee’s discretion.
Section 5: Petitioning
A petition shall be considered valid if twenty-five (25) percent of the membership signs in favor.
Members may petition for information not normally released by the Union, including a new audit, except where such release is prohibited by law or by the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University. This petition must be honored as soon as possible once signatures have been validated.
Membership may petition for a referendum to be called.
Section 6: Referenda
Referenda may be called on matters, including the recall of Members of the Executive Council. A referendum will be called with a validated petition in favor. A referendum on the Constitution may also be called by the Executive Council or Structural Equity Committee. Any proposed referendum that foreseeably incurs significant financial liability beyond the approved budget shall not be validated.
After a referendum is called, the President and Secretary shall work with the members calling the referendum to decide upon its final wording.
A referendum will occur in such a way that all members in good standing are able to vote. The length of time allowed for voting must be a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours.
A referendum passes only if it achieves majority support from those who vote and the total number of votes supporting the motion exceeds forty (40) percent of the Union’s membership.
Article VIII — Amending the Constitution
The Constitution can be amended through the petition and referendum processes outlined in Article VII, Sections 5 and 6, of the Constitution.
Article IX — Availability of the Constitution
Section 1. One copy of this Constitution and all subsequent amendments shall be submitted electronically to the Secretary-Treasurer of AFT.
Section 2. One copy shall be sent to the equivalent officer of each organization with which the Union is affiliated.
Section 3. The Secretary shall make available upon request a digital copy of the Constitution to any member of the Union.
Bylaws Of the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees - AFT
Full Membership Dues
Dues shall be one-point-seven-five (1.75) percent of the gross salary for all Full Members. Dues shall include the prevailing per-capita amounts for the AFT, State Federation, and AFL-CIO local and state affiliates, and insurance premiums.
Associate Membership Dues
Graduate students who do not hold an appointment covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement may choose to join and pay Associate Membership dues voluntarily.
Associate Membership dues shall be twelve (12) dollars per month, which shall include the prevailing per-capita amounts for the AFT, State Federation, and AFL-CIO local and state affiliates, and insurance premiums. Associate Membership dues will automatically increase commensurate with AFT, State Federation, and AFL-CIO local and state affiliates’ increases to per-capita amounts.
Associate Membership dues must be paid before Associate Members are eligible to participate in union functions that require membership.
Members of the Executive Council and Staff
All members in good standing shall be eligible to become a Department Organizer. To be eligible to run for the Executive Council, a person must be a member in good standing. Furthermore, they must have held, hold, or will hold an appointment as a Graduate Student Assistant, subject to the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and Georgetown University.
Members seeking election to the Executive Council must be nominated or self-nominated at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election by submitting any requested documentation to the Elections Committee.
Executive Council positions shall be elected during March at a date specified by the Elections Committee.
Both elections for Executive Council positions and referenda shall be held by secret ballot at a General Membership Meeting or a designated polling station. Voting on referenda may also be conducted online. Before a vote, provisions shall be made for absentee or mail-in balloting if necessary.
The Elections Committee may provide a platform for candidates providing it does so in a way that is equitable to all candidates.
Union membership shall be given notice of an upcoming election at least one (1) month prior to the election.
Executive Council elections shall be conducted by instant runoff voting (also known as preferential balloting or ranked choice voting). Referenda shall be decided by majority vote.
Challenges and objections to the election must be submitted in writing, with a statement of supporting reasons that includes specific facts as well as any documentation, to the Elections Committee within five (5) days of the count. The Elections Committee shall issue its written opinion regarding the objections no later than ten (10) days after receipt of such objections.
Delegation to the AFT National Convention
The Executive Council shall decide if they wish to send additional delegates to the convention with the President and Vice President. If they elect to do so, they shall decide how many additional delegates they wish to send to the AFT National Convention.
Any member of or candidate for the Executive Council who is not already an AFT Convention Delegate due to constitutional responsibility may run for the position of delegate to the AFT National Convention. The position shall also be open to all members in good standing.
When required, the Elections Committee shall hold elections for AFT National Convention delegates during the normal March Election. These elections shall be conducted at-large and proportionally in the manner prescribed for the Executive Council under Article II, Section A, Sub-Section 7, of the Bylaws.
The Executive Council shall assess the needs of the Union and its budgetary capacity and submit requests for paid staff positions to the membership.
Where paid staff positions overlap with the duties of the Organizer’s Council or Standing Committees, the membership of these bodies shall be consulted prior to the establishment and hiring of staff positions.
Candidates for paid staff positions will be identified and interviewed by the Executive Council. The Executive Council will conduct performance evaluations of staff at least once per semester. These evaluations will be kept on file and used for future hiring decisions.
Any member of the Executive Council who is recalled shall cease to hold office once the motion is officially passed. Until a vacancy election can be held, the duties of the recalled officer shall be shared by the other members of the Executive Council, as directed by the President. The Elections Committee must hold a vacancy election within thirty (30) days of an approved recall.
Organizers’ Council
The four (4) Lead Organizers will represent four (4) groups or categories of graduate workers at the University.
Lead Organizer for Natural and Biomedical Sciences Degree Programs.
Lead Organizer for Humanities and Languages Degree Programs.
Lead Organizer for Social Sciences Degree Programs.
Lead Organizer for Graduate Student Assistants Serving in Hourly Positions.
It is the expressed intent of the Organizers’ Council to include at least one Department Organizer for every ten (10) Full Members in each department. Where a department houses both a Doctoral and Master’s program, the Council’s intent is for each program to have at least one Department Organizer. Departments are as defined by the Georgetown University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
To become a Department Organizer, a member is required to:
Complete mandatory training in the fundamentals of community organizing, in the rights and benefits secured by our collective bargaining agreement, and in the grievance procedure. Training will be led by Lead Organizers or their designees; and
Sign onto a pledge of inclusive organizing practices and acknowledgement of responsibilities, as developed by the Lead Organizers. The text of the pledge will be available to all members.
A list of Department Organizers and their appropriate contact information will be kept up to date and easily accessible to all members. During the first month of each term, the Lead Organizers shall notify each department of the names of the Department Organizer(s) from that department and of the list of all Department Organizers. If a department has no Department Organizer or fewer Department Organizers than intended by the Organizers’ Council, the Lead Organizer will indicate as such.
In the event that an Department Organizer becomes unable to fulfill their duties as an Organizer, they must notify the Lead Organizers. The Department Organizer’s home department will be notified and the list updated.
Standing committees
Requirements for Committee Membership
All members in good standing may serve on a committee.
Members may serve on multiple committees at the same time and may be appointed to a committee as many consecutive times as appropriate.
Committees shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Council or their designee. Each committee will have as many members as the Chair deems appropriate. Executive Council members may appoint members in good standing to serve on these committees subject to the approval of the Executive Council.
Bargaining/Research Committee
The Research Committee shall solicit information and testimony from members with the goal of creating a bargaining platform for the next round of contract negotiations. The bargaining platform shall be presented to the membership.
The Research Committee must brief the Organizers’ Council and the Executive Council on their progress at least once a semester in non-renegotiation years and at least once a month in renegotiation years.
The Research Committee will select members for the Bargaining Team subject to the approval of the Executive Council. The Research Committee may do a hiring search for a lead negotiator provided funding for a lead negotiator has been allocated by the Finance Committee.
Finance Committee
The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee and may not delegate this responsibility except in emergencies.
The Finance Committee shall prepare and submit an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. This budget shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Council who may request amendments.
The Finance Committee shall hear all requests for additional appropriations beyond those set out in the annual budget and make recommendations to the membership as to whether these requests should be approved.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee shall draft and release any and all statements that articulate the position of the Union, subject to the approval of the Executive Council.
The Communications Committee shall manage all of the Union’s social media.
Elections Committee
The Elections Committee shall conduct all general and special
elections and referenda of the organization.
The Elections Committee shall ensure that elections are run in accordance with Article II, Section A, of the Bylaws. The Elections Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.
No member of the Elections Committee may run in a Union election while sitting on the committee.
Challenges and objections to the election must be submitted in writing with a statement of supporting reasons that includes specific facts as well as any documentation to the Elections Committee within five (5) days of the count. The Elections Committee shall issue its written opinion regarding the objections no later than ten (10) days after receipt of such objections.
The Elections Committee shall:
Prepare and distribute ballots to all members in good standing and conduct elections so as to ensure the secrecy of the ballot.
Count the valid ballots; the majority of ballots cast shall determine the outcome of the election; in the absence of a majority for any candidate, the Elections Committee shall eliminate the candidate with the fewest votes and retabulate the ballots in accordance with Article IV, Section E, Sub-Section 5(a), and Article II, Section A, Sub-Section 7, of the Bylaws until a majority is reached;
Settle challenges and objections according to the procedures outlined in Article II, Section A, Sub-Section 8, of the Bylaws;
Direct successful candidates to assume office within fifteen (15) days of the conclusion of the election; and
Conduct recall elections according to the terms of Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution.
Grievance Committee
The Grievance Officer shall chair the Grievance Committee and may not delegate this responsibility except in emergencies.
The Grievance Committee shall handle or advise on all grievances brought to its attention by members of the bargaining unit.
Structural Equity Committee
Lead Organizers shall each nominate at least one (1) organizer from their group or category to the Structural Equity Committee. These organizers shall nominate a member in good standing to chair the Structural Equity Committee. The Executive Council shall confirm this nomination by a majority vote.
The Structural Equity Committee shall critically evaluate the Union’s bylaws, meetings, and elections of Executive Council members for dynamics which may prevent or discourage the full participation of underrepresented members.
The Structural Equity Committee shall suggest changes to Union policy to the membership and/or the Executive Council to promote an inclusive climate and structure.
The Structural Equity Committee may also present short- and long- term goals for equity to be considered by the Union’s committees and the Members of the Executive Council when making decisions.
The Structural Equity Committee will solicit amendments to the Union’s Bylaws from the membership, and may present their recommended changes to the Bylaws to the Secretary to be presented and calendared as voting items.
The Structural Equity Committee may initiate and solicit referenda on amendments to the Constitution.
Details of the General Membership Meetings
The Executive Council shall make reasonable accommodations to allow a member with a disability to participate in General Membership Meetings, including but not limited to discussion procedures and venues.
Members must be notified that a General Membership Meeting will occur at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled date. The Secretary must publish the final agenda and voting items for said meeting at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of the meeting. The Executive Council may call an emergency General Membership Meeting. In such an event, the Executive Council will publish a final agenda as soon as possible.
If a member wants to vote on an issue but cannot attend the meeting in person, they can submit a written statement to the Secretary indicating their vote, by no later than two hours prior to the start of the respective meeting. Members can also elect to submit written votes for both the original version and the proposed amended versions, such that their votes remain valid in case amendments are approved.
Agenda Setting
Members can propose new agenda items via standing committees, Organizers’ Council, or by contacting the Executive Council directly, before the final agenda is published. These bodies must consider items submitted by members but have discretion over calendering them.
Members can propose written amendments to voting items brought to the General Membership Meeting via the Secretary at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting occuring. The Secretary must then publish the proposed amendments twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting. A proposal may also be closed to amendments or delayed to the next meeting by majority vote at a General Membership Meeting.
Members may also propose amendments to proposals at member meetings except on bylaw amendments, referenda, and any issues to be decided by a two-thirds majority vote.
Decision Making
Proposals shall be decided by a simple majority vote unless the Executive Council decides that an item requires a two-thirds majority vote or the proposal involves one or more of the following items that shall always be decided by a two-thirds majority vote:
Endorsement of candidates for political office.
Union expenditure of more than $10,000 beyond the approved budget.
Strike authorization
General Membership Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition where applicable, provided that the rules applied are consistent with the constitution and by-laws, and with the following exceptions:
Members proposing agenda items, including Members of the Executive Council, shall give a speech of no more than three (3) minutes in length explaining their proposal to other members, followed by speeches of no more than one (1) minute by members who proposed written amendments to the item. After which, the discussion shall be in free form moderated by whoever presides the meeting, until the moderator decides to return to formal procedures.
To ensure validity of remote votes, subsidiary motions for non-written amendments cannot be raised.
All subsidiary motions regarding a proposed agenda item shall not be voted on during the free form discussion period. Upon return to formal procedures, written amendments and all subsidiary motions shall be decided by majority vote before the proposed agenda item itself is voted on.