Join Organizers’ Council
GAGE is run completely by Georgetown graduate workers. Being a Department Organizer is an opportunity for leadership, service, and ingenuity, while also being flexible enough for a busy grad student schedule. A large and diverse team of Department Organizers is essential to the strength and sustainability of our Union!
The Organizers’ Council works with the Executive Council to implement Union policy as directed by GAGE members. The Organizers’ Council consists of the Vice President, Lead Organizers, and Department Organizers.
Any GAGE member in good standing can be a Department Organizer (DO). A DO’s main responsibility is to be available to GAGE members to discuss grievances, answer questions, provide information relevant to the Union, recruit new members, and inform the Organizers’ Council of questions and concerns from GAGE members.
Lead Organizers train DOs in the fundamentals of community organizing, in the rights and benefits secured by our collective bargaining agreement, and in the grievance procedure.
Contact your Lead Organizer to become a Department Organizer!