Nov 4, 2019, 10:32 AM

Dear Ph.D. Student:

Open Enrollment for your 2020 medical benefits is now underway. In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, Georgetown offers group health coverage to a broad range of individuals within the Georgetown community, including Ph.D. students receiving service stipends. The University provides student health insurance to all Ph.D. students and while these plans provide robust coverage, they are not the "group health insurance plans" that the Affordable Care Act requires be offered.  Ph.D. students continue to receive the student health insurance plan regardless of whether they choose this plan in addition. Each year, during Open Enrollment, eligible individuals are able to enroll, waive or add dependents to their medical coverage.

Within this email you’ll find information regarding the CareFirst medical plan, as well as instructions for making your Open Enrollment elections in GMS. You have until Friday, November 15 to make any desired elections. Any changes that you make during this time will take effect January 1, 2020. 

About the CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage CDHP

This ACA-compliant medical insurance is a high deductible health plan, meaning that you must first pay the deductible in full ($2,000 individual/$4,000 family – in-network) before the plan benefits begin. The CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage CDHP provides in-network access to the local BlueChoice network of providers, as well as in-network access to BlueCard PPO providers when seeking care outside the local area.

Participants in the CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage CDHP automatically participate in the prescription drug plan from CVS Caremark. You can choose between retail and mail order options. Prescription drugs are subject to the same combined deductible as other medical services. After participants have met the deductible, prescription copays apply. 

Those electing this medical plan will have two ID cards - one for medical from CareFirst, and one for pharmacy from CVS Caremark. You'll need to present your CVS Caremark ID card whenever you are filling prescriptions. 

I encourage you to review the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Plan Summary to help you understand the details of the plan.

How do I enroll?

You must enroll through the Georgetown Management System (GMS). Go to and log in using your NetID and password. You will find an Open Enrollment Change Event in your GMS Inbox. Open this event and click “Elect” and the level of coverage you’d like (Employee Only, Employee & Spouse, etc.). You must hit the “I Accept” button and “Submit” for your election to be finalized.

When do I enroll?

You must enroll by 10pm (ET) on Friday, November 15, 2019. If you do not enroll in GMS during this period, you will not be enrolled in the plan. If you do enroll during that time, your coverage will take effect January 1st. If you are already enrolled in the plan and would like to continue to participate in 2020, no action is required as long as you remain eligible for the benefit.

How much does it cost?

The cost of this is plan depends on whom you choose to cover:


Monthly Contributions

Individual: $97

Individual & Spouse/LDA: $604.10

Individual & Child(ren): $511.89

Family: $1,020.08

Your portion of the monthly premium is listed above and will be deducted from your stipend. 


Does this coverage automatically replace student health coverage?

No. This coverage does not replace or cancel your student medical insurance plan. This coverage would be in addition to any coverage that you currently hold.  If you do not wish to enroll in this plan, you do not need to take any additional action.

Other Impacts

Health Insurance Marketplace Subsidies. Because Georgetown University offers a medical plan that meets the specified affordability and minimum value requirements under the ACA, you are not eligible for a subsidy through the Health Insurance Marketplace, even if you choose not to enroll in this plan. If it is discovered that you are receiving a subsidy when eligible for Georgetown University medical plan, you will be responsible for refunding the full amount of the subsidy to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.