RSVP: End of Year Celebration and Member Meeting 4.30.19

Join fellow GAGE members in celebrating our wins and planning for the future!

This has been quite the year for Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees. We won our election 555-108 (83.7%) last November, and we've started to bargain with the administration for a Contract for the Whole Person.

Sign a pledge to support the platform here!

Now it's time to thrive! Join us at our Member Meeting on Tuesday, April 30 from 3:30 to 4:30pm in ICC, Room 662 3:30 to 4:30pm in ICC, Room 662 where we will be discussing what's happening in bargaining and our plans for the future. If you are not already a member, sign-up online or in person prior to the meeting.

A good union is a democratic union, but it's also a fun union! We will therefore be holding an End of Year Celebration from 4:30 to 6:30pm on the Car Barn Patio, also on Tuesday, April 30,complete with tasty food (including vegan and vegetarian options) and fun times with your fellow graduate workers immediately following the Member Meeting.

RSVP here so we have enough food for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.

In Solidarity,

GAGE Organizing Committee
