GAGE’s 2021 Bargaining Survey is offically open!
Graduate workers at Georgetown are currently working under our first Collective Bargaining Agreement, which went into effect in May 2020 and expires in June 2023. In Fall 2022, we can begin bargaining for our second contract with the Georgetown administration.
What we win through collective bargaining will impact every graduate worker at Georgetown, now and in the future. What we bargain for depends entirely on the experiences and priorities of GAGE members. Your response to the bargaining survey is an important first step for us to identify priorities and develop consensus.
Taking the bargaining survey is your first opportunity to make your voice heard, though it certainly won’t be the last! You can expect that in the spring semester, we will be seeking nominations for our Bargaining Committee and holding town halls about ways we want to improve our graduate experience at Georgetown. There will be plenty of ways for each and every GAGE member to be involved.
Your first step is to share your experiences and priorities by taking our bargaining survey!