Learn About Running for Bargaining Team and Executive Council

You're invited to our GAGE Leadership Info Sessions to learn about what it's like to be on our Bargaining Team and our Executive Council. At these sessions, we'll outline the election process for these important positions as well.

GAGE will be holding two info sessions:

  • Zoom info session on Wednesday, February 16 at 4 pm

  • In-person session on Tuesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm on-campus in Regents 239

You can RSVP here!

We need graduate workers with diverse perspectives to join our Bargaining Team. This team will have the responsibility to meet directly with Georgetown administration representatives to negotiate over PhD stipends, pay rates for hourly positions, health benefits, transportation subsidies, workplace policies, and so many more issues that impact our graduate community.

For our Executive Council, we need graduate workers who will lead organizing for a democratic and inclusive contract campaign. We need grad workers to manage our union's financial resources and to interact with Georgetown administration for implementation of our current contract.

All GAGE members in good standing are eligible to run for Bargaining Team and Executive Council. There's no requirement of prior involvement, and we often find we are stronger with fresh voices and perspectives!

From the wins of our first contract to COVID policies, we've seen over and over that what we accomplish together in GAGE makes a difference in our own lives and the lives of our colleagues. We truly hope you consider taking the step of running for the Bargaining Team or Executive Council.

In solidarity,

GAGE Election Committee

Jewel Tomasula

Zac Park

Matt Ring


PS If you would like to join the Election Committee to oversee the nominations and elections process, please reach out!  Per our Bylaws, members of the Election Committee can’t run in the election they are overseeing.